
Showing posts from 2005

Click Here for Instructions

It is the time of year when gifts are unpacked and unwrapped in a frenzy. We are very proud that our clocks are opened with such gleeful satisfaction and don't mind a bit when instructions are lost in the mix. Instructions are very important for these fine clocks though. It is very important that no guesswork should be involved when setting up one of our timepieces. Therefore we offer the following examples of instructions and articles of care. Please take the time to download and print out the literature that corresponds to your clock. If what you need is not listed here feel free to contact us at New Haven Steeple Clock from Sternreiter (models MM 808 381 08 and QM 028 381 08) New Haven Steeple Clock from Sternreiter - care of mechanical chimes (model #MM 808 381 08) Brahms, Ellington, Schuman, and Lincoln Mechanical Tambours from Sternreiter (models MM 808 116, MM 808 118, MM 808 119, and MM 808 146) Emily, Handel, and Bauhaus Mechanical Wall Clocks...

Care of cuckoo clock chains

Every so often we want to hang a cuckoo clock (or any clock that is powered by weights) in a place where there might not be room for the weights to fall. This is an old problem. In fact, visitors can see where, in Thomas Jefferson's home at Monticello , Jefferson cut holes in the floor to allow his clock to run longer. The weights fell through the floor into the room below and added a longer running time for the clock. New clock owners frequently ask if they have to allow the weights to fall freely to the floor for the full 5-6 ft. distance. "Will it harm the clock if I hang it over a table or sideboard?" The answer is no, you will not harm the clock, but obstructing the fall of the weights will stop it from running the full 1 or 8 days. It simply means that you will have to wind the clock more frequently. If the owner of the clock does wish to hang it over something he or she may want to secure the chains somehow so that they don't interfere. The best way to do this ...

Stock Update 1200, 8200

Unfortunately we have run out of our special 1200 and 8200 models. More are on their way but we won't be able to deliver before the holidays. Consider the following alternatives: 1200T - lovely two-tone finish with deeper carving and wooden hands and bird 1202 - slightly larger with finer finish and carving, also with wooden hands, bird and shut-off lever 8200P - hand-painted accents with Edelweiss flowers 8240 - Finer finish with deeper carving and wooden hands and bird, shut-off lever

Stock Update

If you are a retailer it is important that you have our best sellers in stock. Make sure you order them now so that you are sure to be able to supply your customers. We are running low on the 1200 and 8200 models and although more are on the way, they won't be here by the end of this year. In addition, just for clarification, the following is a list of discontinued or changed cuckoo clocks: 1100 Discontinued 1101 Discontinued (click here for an alternative) 1202B Discontinued 1236 Discontinued 1253 Discontinued 1254 Discontinued 1279 Discontinued 1312 Discontinued 1336 Discontinued 1353 Discontinued 1382 Discontinued 1386 Replaced by a NEW DESIGN 1392 Discontinued 8202 Discontinued 8212 Discontinued 8213 Discontinued 8227 Discontinued 8231 Discontinued 8232 Discontinued 8345 Discontinued 8355 Discontinued 8382 Discontinued 8392 Replaced by a NEW DESIGN Most of these models have been replaced by NEW better-looking clocks like the 111th Anniversary Collection from Romba and more. M...


For those of you who are interested in mechanical automata like our whistling birds, birds in the box, whistlers (as well as the more simple automata on our cuckoo clocks for example) I would highly recommend a book by Tom Standage entitled The Turk. In it he runs through a dizzying history of one of the most famous automata and its association with people like Benjamin Franklin, Napoleon, Beethoven, Edgar Allen Poe, and Charles Babbage. "Automata are the forgotten ancestors of almost all modern technology. From computers to compact-disc players, railway engines to robots, the origins of today's machines can be traced back to the elaborate mechanical toys that flourished in the 18th century. As the first complex machines produced by man, automata represented a proving ground for technology that would later be harnessed in the industrial revolution. But their original uses were rather less utilitarian. Automata were the playthings of royalty, both as a form of entertainment in...


Sternreiter has a new poll on its website. We thought we would put it here too. We can learn a lot about our industry if we find out a little more about what consumers want when it comes to fine clocks. Please take a few seconds to answer the following two questions. If you have a website or a store which specializes in selling fine clocks please encourage your customers to fill this out too. Do you have a fireplace with a mantel in your home? Yes No I have a fireplace but need a mantel. I don't want either. Free polls from Which type of clock could you see purchasing for your home this year? (check all that apply) Grandfather clock (large, floor standing clock) Mission-Style clock (rustic, oak shelf clock) American "Banjo" clock (figure-eight wall clock) Tavern clock (elegant clock, typical for English and American pubs) Cuckoo clock (Black Forest specialty) Free polls from

Going Fast

Please refer to your black and white specials flyer which you should have received several weeks ago. The following cuckoo clocks are sold out: 1253, 1236, 1279, 1254, 1312, 1382, 1353, 1392, 1336, 8227, 8382, 8345 These clocks are no longer available. As you can see that is most of the clocks on the closeout special. In addition the following models are thinning out. I would highly suggest stocking up on these models so that you are covered for this holiday season. 1300 (only 13 left!), 1100 (only 3 left!), 8252 (only 8 left!), 8228 (only 2 left!), 8366 (only 4 left!), 8255 (only 3 left!), 8357 (only 2 left!) The 8343 is out of stock at the moment but should be in next week. The 1200 and 8200 always go very fast this time of year so be sure you have some in stock.

Special on anniversary clocks

Unfortunately the our two Sternreiter chiming anniversary clocks won't be available until after Christmas. To make it up to you we are offering blockbuster specials on the two anniversary clocks pictured above. Contact us to find out the details.

Four Time Winner!

The VDS is the organization of Black Forest Clockmakers which meets regularly to vote (upon secret ballot) for the best Black Forest Clock of the Year award . Rombach und Haas has won this competition 4 out of the 5 times the competition was held. Pictured above you can see the fine clocks which have won: the 8364 ( pictured here as the non-musical version), the 8295, 7304G , and this year the 45-111 . The 45-111 is a limited edition model. Only 111 were made and each is numbered and comes with a certificate. Read more about the 111th Anniversary Limited Edition clocks here .

The 12-111 is better, don't you think?

I've decided to drop the 1217 and go with the 12-111 instead. Both are charming 1-day chalets with animation but the 12-111 has far more detail and a little more care in the production. It features laser-cut windows and gingerbread which allows for incredible detail. The 12-111 is also a limited edition. The 12-111 is a little more expensive, but consider how much more you get with this charming clock.

New Models

A redesigned 8392 Clock Peddler. THE ONLY quartz cuckoo available in the U.S.A with MOVING DANCERS. Quartz SHELF CUCKOO with mechanical music box. The brand-new Handel wall clock. There are some great introductory prices on these new clocks!


The Frisian #1301 (on page 7 of our 2003-2004) catalog is a beautiful and unique piece of which only a few are made every year. At the moment we are out of stock on this piece. We would be happy to special order it for the descerning customer. These clocks are individually hand made, each one is a little different from the rest. As an alternative I might suggest the Jeweler's Regulator, the Prinz Eugen, or the Biedermeier. All of which are weight-driven regulators of the highest caliber. In addition the Zaandam or the Wilhelmina are both finely crafted timepieces from the same manufacturer as the Frisian.

Good bye to the 8371

Alas, the beautiful 8371 (pictured on page 14 of our catalog number 50) is no longer being produced. A very limited number (around 10) of these clocks were hand made thereby making the few that exist extremely collectible. As an alternative, consider one of the Rombach und Haas "Eleventy First Anniversary Clocks" (pictured above). Or, the same carver who created the 8371 also beautifully decorated the 8295 (pictured on page 15 of our catalog number 50).

An outstanding success

The New Haven Steeple Clo ck by Sternreiter is already an outstanding success. The proof can easily be seen in the copy-cats already on the market. One big name in particular has shown their sincerest form of flattery to Sternreiter Clocks in producing a very similar steeple clock. We at Sternreiter will try not to be too proud when we see these "also-rans" but we know too well that you and your customers will see the prize for the finest quality and craftsmanship lies with Sternreiter Clocks ! Contact North Coast Imports today to find where you can purchase a Sternreiter New Haven Steeple Clock , assembled and designed in the U.S.A. by dedicated clock people.

Best Sellers in Soon!

Our best-selling models 1200, 8200, and 8200P will be in soon - probably one or two weeks after Labor-Day 2005. Be sure and order some today so you have them in stock!

NEW MODELS for 2005

Click here to download and print out a brochure on all our new models for 2005! The many clocks featured include cuckoo clocks, wall clocks, and mantel clocks.

Sternreiter Brochure

Included in this new brochure are pictures and descriptions of the entire line of current Sternreiter clocks. Print one out for yourself: Sternreiter Brochure

atom feed

For those of you who know what a feed is, this page now has one. plug the following address into your newsreader:

Romba featured in WCR

Watch and Clock Review has published an article on musical clocks . Romba is featured many times in the article. This is a must read for anyone interested in musical clocks!

Care of the chiming mechanism in our steeple clock

NCI is proud to announce the newest member of it's AMERICAN COLLECTION. We have had several requests for a large mantel clock at a good price and have commissioned STERNREITER to build us the NEW HAVEN STEEPLE CLOCK . Due to the vast majority of new clocks sold with Westminster chime verses time-and-strike we knew we had to go with a Westminster chiming movement. As you know most manufacturers don’t even bother with time-and-strike anymore unless cabinet space doesn’t allow for Westminster. So, in order to have a chiming movement we had to use the smallest mechanism possible. In the interest of space we used short chime rods instead of the large, deep-sounding rods used in our Bauhaus model. In order to get the biggest sound possible out of these little rods I had to use my knowledge of acoustics. There is no access door in the back of the clock for this very reason. A small door with wing-nut latches is handy for adjustments to the movement, but it seriously deadens the sound. ...

Good Bye to the 8202

After a long and hard deliberation we have decided to retire the 8202 cuckoo clock from our regular line. It is very similar to the 8200, 8200T, and 8240. You might consider these models to replace the 8202. We can still special order the 8202 with a minimum quantity of five.

Eleventy-First Birthday

The clockmakers of Rombach und Haas celebrates its 111th anniversary this year in the best way they know how. They are making four limited-edition cuckoo clocks. These beautiful Black Forest clocks are a charming and beautiful way to celebrate the long and distinguished heritage of Romba clocks. There will be only 111 of each of the four models and each will be inscribed with a number of production. These clocks are now available!

NEW Sternreiter Mantel Clocks

NCI is proud to announce the newest member of it's AMERICAN COLLECTION. We have had several requests for a large mantel clock at a good price and have commissioned STERNREITER to build us the NEW HAVEN STEEPLE CLOCK . Elias Ingraham (1805-85), a cabinet maker, was commissioned by George Mitchell to design and build a new style of clock case. Ingraham came to work for Mitchell in May of 1828 and eventually designed the sharp gothic clock case in about 1845. This “steeple clock” style has ever since been one of the most popular designs in American cabinetry. It has been copied and redesigned countless times over the last two centuries. The New Haven steeple clock from Sternreiter is named for the town in Connecticut which holds some of America’s most beautiful examples of gothic architecture. Available with either mechanical or quartz Westminster chimes, the New Haven features a reverse-painted glass which harkens the beauty and complexity of a gothic cathedral’s rose window. The ...

Difficult Exchange Rate

The Associated press has done an interesting article on the plight of the German clock industry in recent years. The article cites the recent weakness in the value of the dollar as contributing to clockmakers' deficits. Although there are two obvious inaccuracies (Rombach u. Haas does not have annual revenues in the hundreds of millions - the entire industry does) it is an article worth reading. Click Here for a PDF of the article.

NCI is featured in WCR magazine

Celebrating its fifty years, North Coast Imports is featured in this month's issue of WCR (Watch and Clock Review) and next month in Chronos Magazine. Click Here for a PDF of the article.

Advertising Material

Most store owners don't have the time to create layouts for their advertising needs. North Coast Imports is proud to supply professionally created ad layouts in PDF format. No longer will you have the expensive burden of supplying your local newspapers and circulars with the proper material. Just download any of the following ads and have them drop in your store name and phone number. Or, you can download the following ads and use the individual images to create your own ads. Full page ad on our AMERLING and ITHACA wall clocks Full page ad on our astronomical clocks Full page ad on our BAUHAUS wall clock Full page ad on our Black Forest clocks Full page ad on our HAPSBURG and AMERLING wall clocks Full page ad on our ITHACA wall clock Full page ad on our floor clocks Full page ad on our NEW HAVEN and STRELA Half page ad on our NEW HAVEN steeple clock