Lecture on the Marine Chronometer, the key to finding longitude

Dr. Edwin Meyer presents a lecture on The Marine Chronometer,
The Key to Finding Longitude. The technological progress of humanity has come with a concomitant necessity for a more precise method to measure the passage of time. This was apparent when maritime travel for conquest, trade and exploration required a method to accurately determine the position of a ship at sea. A ship's latitude could be determined by the angle of the noonday sun, but the determination of a ship's longitude turned out to be the biggest technological challenge of the 18th Century. There were two
paths to this achievement - navigation by the heavens and navigations by accurately measuring time. Dr. Meyer will tell the story of this race for the determination of longitude on the high sea.
There will be museum-quality timepieces available for viewing before and after Dr. Meyer's presentation courtesy of Suburban Clock, including an actual marine chronometer.
Dr. Edwin Meyer, Chairman of the Department of Physics and Astronomy at BW will present the lecture held in the "Center for Innovation and Growth" (CIG). at 340 Front Street, Berea, Ohio 44017. After the lecture the Burrell Observatory will be open for viewing, weather permitting. This is a free lecture and no reservations are required. For questions, contact the observatory director at gkader@bw.edu or the Department of Physics and Astronomy at 440 826 2312
For more information on other Clocktoberfest events on August 10, call 440 234 4027 or visit www.Clocktoberfest.com
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