
Showing posts from October, 2007

New Chimneysweeps!

We are proud to introduce a new musical cuckoo clock. This charming Chalet has fresh lines and colors. The chimneysweep hopps in and out of his chimney - startled by the cuckoo call. There is also a music box that plays, and the waterwheel turns. Fans of North Coast Imports already know about the charming version without music (the 1216 ) now we are pleased to announce that we can offer a larger version with music too! (see model number 1316 )

Update on the "Eleventy-First Birthday" Clocks

The clockmakers of Rombach und Haas celebrates its 111th anniversary this year in the best way they know how. They are making four limited-edition cuckoo clocks. These beautiful Black Forest clocks are a charming and beautiful way to celebrate the long and distinguished heritage of Romba clocks. There will be only 111 of each of the four models and each will be inscribed with a number of production. These clocks are still available, except for the one-day musical model (24-111). This clock is very similar to model numbers 1385 and 1389 , of which are in good supply.