
Showing posts from September, 2005


The Frisian #1301 (on page 7 of our 2003-2004) catalog is a beautiful and unique piece of which only a few are made every year. At the moment we are out of stock on this piece. We would be happy to special order it for the descerning customer. These clocks are individually hand made, each one is a little different from the rest. As an alternative I might suggest the Jeweler's Regulator, the Prinz Eugen, or the Biedermeier. All of which are weight-driven regulators of the highest caliber. In addition the Zaandam or the Wilhelmina are both finely crafted timepieces from the same manufacturer as the Frisian.

Good bye to the 8371

Alas, the beautiful 8371 (pictured on page 14 of our catalog number 50) is no longer being produced. A very limited number (around 10) of these clocks were hand made thereby making the few that exist extremely collectible. As an alternative, consider one of the Rombach und Haas "Eleventy First Anniversary Clocks" (pictured above). Or, the same carver who created the 8371 also beautifully decorated the 8295 (pictured on page 15 of our catalog number 50).